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The Con Science

The Brain is the priceless asset of a human being. It is from where all thoughts are generated, and decisions taken. As we go on acquiring new skills, we naturally exercise our brain for betterment and increase our intellectual. But it is the conscience that determines our thinking hence it is the most vulnerable part. The conscience is based on the inputs of the memory stored in the brain comprising both facts and skills; hence it is responsible for all our actions. It has been also proved that the real power of the brain is the conscience which can also regulate our physical health. Hence, it is our consciousness, which regulates our way of life and career through our actions; and not the degree of our intelligence. So, it is our thoughts or consciousness which decides our fate.

The possibility of generating original ideas, and making choices is regulated through conscience only. All the modern technological developments are purely based on basic discoveries that were centuries old. The ancient inventors who delivered ground-breaking discoveries surely had profound thoughts with least infirmities. Hence conditioning of the brain or conscience is of primary importance to take sound decisions; which in turn assures good health and prosperity. Since childhood, the parents guide, then it’s the schoolteacher and then it’s the whole world we are exposed to which continuously provides us suggestions. The firsthand experiences are the games, classrooms and libraries. But as life goes on, our thoughts change drastically with the exposure to the vast world. Today what attracts is a whole lot of new medium that is innovated to give real life-experiences. This is a massive business enterprise; thrusting its products into our conscience. Hence, obviously we have reached a stage where our state of mind has become crammed with unwanted, undesirable and unsound thoughts implanted especially by people of all orders, media, journals, etc., for their personal benefits.

In this context, I wish to state that Christopher Nolan’s ‘Inception’ was not only one of my very few favorites of the Hollywood’s new generation movies; but it also introduced me to a colossal workshop. The movie plot is about the conspiracy to manipulate a person by planting an idea into his subconscious mind. The idea influences the subject to take decisions as desired by the person who had skillfully implanted it for material gain. The movie also suggests the concept that, the world around us can be treated as an abstract just as the visuals in our dream. It’s also an element professed in our Upanishads, to help us understand that reality doesn’t exist hence we keep away from all attachments. I am not treading into religious grounds; but just informing that it advocates us to refrain from bonding with the surroundings we touch, hear, smell and see with the help of our senses and to harness them. Well, Nolan’s movie is based on the said theory blended with a clever con act. The protagonist role in the movie was impeccably portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio as an expert by name Dom Cobb who extracts industrial secrets from the competitors his Clients, and he even plants obscure ideas into their minds. An thrilling storyline of industrial espionage. The young expert mind-thief Cobb for once experiments implanting an idea into the mind of his beloved wife in her dreams, introducing the concept that they could together live forever in the bliss of love. Unfortunately, Cobb becomes a victim of his experiment, unawares that the idea implanted in his wife’s mind might lead to dangerous consequences. Sensing danger, he tries to reverse it by extracting the implanted idea, but it’s too late as his wife strongly resolves to live only in her dreams and end her life of reality on their wedding anniversary. The implanted idea of prolonged living in happiness results in death of Cobb’s beloved wife. This film will be an evergreen one for its original idea.

The implanting of ideas happens both causally and intentionally in real world too. We all live in this phantasmagoria; for both individuals, as well as the media through their marketing agencies have been relentlessly trying to implant their ideas into us for their benefit. This act will continue to exist until you realize that you are being conned and successfully separate yourself from the outside world. The Politicians, Celebrities, and media are having a great field day exploiting the technology in hand to thrust their policies and ideas pungently into our minds with a new scale of imagination. They have linguistic experts and event managers to create the drama with the required hype.

Unlike in the good old days, we rarely read good books penned by the great authors who had least infirmities in their minds. Today we are indulging in reading all WhatsApp posts designed by political parties, cine-posts, false news, and posts that keep pouring based on our past record of texting and viewing. Resultantly, our minds are seized with designs conceived by others. We fail to observe that we are being played. We have locked the independence of our mind to understand the reality, prior to any decision. Nowadays custom is not to approach wise people to groom our thought process. The invaders of our mind are clinically administering or loading such information in our minds to endorse their premeditated designs. The abstract itself is having a makeover, which means a further delusion of the world already in hallucination. We have gone far away from living in the reality, similar to the beliefs of Cobb’s wife. Hence it is high time we realize that the world itself is an abstract in the first place.

A friend forwarded me a video posting, the message of which was coincidentally the theme and objective of my present Blog. The anchor in the video narrates how our pristine mind on the day we were born eventually turns adulterated as we grow older. He demonstrates with a jar of clean water and adds dirt into it, which depicts the concepts and beliefs that our mind is influenced with as we grow. It includes all spurious data from persons, books, objects, informants such as newspapers, journals, the media and the persons we fancy. After a few serves of the dirt, the water not only becomes dirty but poisonous. The anchor demonstrates that the effluent water could be decontaminated by only gushing clean water continuously into the container. After a prolonged steady administration of the clean water, the dirt is purged out, and once again the content becomes crystal clear sparkling like the unblemished mind. This reverse process is called ‘anthah karana shuddhi’ in Sanskrit; which means cleansing one’s conscious from within inside. It is the purification of the self from the stains caused by earlier traits. To disentangle oneself from the earlier thoughts and habits attached to our self; and to maintain the character of the water-repellant lotus leaf.

Winners are those who live peacefully in the world of chaos. To stay unattracted and uninfluenced, just by observing it and not by entangling our consciousness with all such harmful infirmities. Discarding the unwanted inputs disallowing them to influence our mind will help us to take the right decisions; resultantly to happiness and progress.

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Oct 31, 2020

Was impressed with few key words like 'conscience and not the intelligence ', usage of 'antahkaran shudhi' in the worldly affairs etc. Reference of movie 'Inception' lures to watch it again. Well done once again.


Oct 31, 2020

Well done Sir. A blend of good olden days and present kios world. All the Best. Shall wait for next one to reach us.


Oct 31, 2020

Very good analysis; helpful in the endeavour to keep our mind clean and pure.


Oct 31, 2020


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