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  • prempothina

The Swing Between Joy and Despair

The proof of life is everywhere and we believe that some intelligence having infinite knowledge is behind this creation, or else the universe with such extraordinary perfection could not have come into existence. The Creator had brought to life the five elements and, with their combinations, the living and non-living things governed by certain tenets, which are called the ‘natural laws’. These natural laws cannot be tweaked nor re-engineered and they apply their yardstick dispassionately to every living and non-living on Earth alike, and also to every human in equal parlance irrespective of his faith; and that’s real, for we experience them every second as we breathe and age. On the other hand, the belief system is about what is ‘not known’ but believed to be existing, thus it’s called ‘belief’. But it is not substantiated with material proof other than the perfect order by which the universe runs by itself with only the natural laws driving behind it.

The essence of any religion is to attain salvation, but it is only possible by understanding the reality of those natural laws and it is essential to start with the understanding that every life has a beginning and an end. At the age of 66, I am still trying, for the past few years, to experience the ‘unknown’ with the help of a Teacher who has a huge repository of knowledge. The reason I had initiated this quest is to inquire into the equations that result in happiness and despair, which I had been told was the first part of the ‘real knowledge’. After having miraculously emerged from acute and impossible situations, I had achieved unbelievable success, whereafter I was extremely confident that the rest of my life would be by default the most remunerating and that such benefits would bring me immeasurable happiness, but I was wrong. The remuneration part is sustained but the sadness swung to territories other than what I had faced earlier and they seem to be the toughest among the tough. I started with prayers and pilgrimages but, shockingly, my issues became more acute and with no respite.

Before going into the cause of despair or sadness, I was asked by my Teacher to first recollect the actual reasons behind the instances of happiness I had experienced. Then I accounted that I won my legal battle on my own in a radical manner; that I liquidated my assets released from mortgage and settled almost all my business creditors — ethically. With the residual amount I purchased a house for my family, then with the help of friends and satisfied clients, my professional career took off phenomenally where I broke new barriers and became recognised for my out-of-the-box strategies in the war with banks and financial institutions. Hence, happiness was experienced only after pursuing what I had ‘endeavoured for’ with regard to my financial, living comforts, professional career, regaining social status, etc.

Then, in the workshop, I was asked by my Teacher to investigate the cause of despair. I realised that the sadness was also due to all those actions mentioned above and it was inevitable. The reason I realised was that there cannot be a formula for happiness, while exclusively avoiding the side effects of sadness. So it was clear that achieving happiness without side effects was not possible as they are not in my control. Ultimately, I became aware that there cannot be an unlimited action for happiness without conditions; facing them is unavoidable. Hence, it was understood that my limited actions provided limited results only in those areas that I had worked on for a particular area and the success in those areas cannot extend happiness to other areas. For example, in case I work hard and succeed in a legal battle, the success is limited to the legal battle and the remuneration earned from it by which I can acquire many material objects, but it cannot cure other issues that trouble me mentally. So it was concluded by analysis that when we long for something, it means that we wanted more happiness apart from whatever we already had in possession, hence, we look for new possessions, but disappointingly even they can never bring unconditional permanent happiness. Hence, these instances of happiness and sadness are being felt by the mind that we had possessed since birth, and the swing between joy and sadness is unending because of our own understanding but not due to materials or persons.

Salvation in Sanskrit is ‘Moksham’, which when deciphered, the first part - ‘mo’ is the short form of ‘moham’ meaning ‘infatuation’ or ‘delusion’ and the second part ‘ksham’ is the short form of ‘kshayam’ meaning ‘that which is destroyed’. Hence, ‘moksham’ can be defined as a state where infatuation over material aspirations is destroyed. In this connection, it is to be understood that not only detachment from material wants but also from human bondages, which also come under ‘infatuations’ or ‘delusions’, leads to salvation. Individually, it is possible to achieve this feat by those who are literate, intelligent, wise, virtuous and spiritual. But for the country as a whole to be happy and prosperous, we miss the ‘statesmen’ devoid of any infatuation for power and wealth.

Our independence was earned 75 years ago after millions of sacrifices by selfless fighters with the only dream that we can prosper as an independent nation if liberated from the British. Hence, for today, we definitely have a cause to celebrate our 75th anniversary of independence and remember all those selfless freedom fighters who have struggled for it. But whatever we have achieved, unfortunately, does not extend to other areas where the sadness and grievances persist, giving not much of a real cause or mood for celebration.

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